Get A List of Brand New Businesses
in the South Bend Area Every Week.

Perfect for Direct Mail & Telemarketing

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Reach Brand New Businesses in the South Bend Area.

If you want to reach new entrepreneurs in the South Bend metro (even all of Indiana) then GoLeads can help. We have a database of virtually every brand new business in the South Bend metro and every other major metro in the US for that matter.

These new business owners have a laundry list of items they need to build their business and get it “off the ground” – from telecommunication equipment to furniture to supplies. If you sell to this audience then call GoLeads today or complete the Contact Us form, and someone will contact you.

Contact GoLeads Today!

Call us at 402-334-1824



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Information includes:

Company Name


Phone Number




Want to Reach Established Businesses?

At GoLeads, we have a database of virtually every business in the US. That means we have a database of over 11,545 businesses in South Bend metro. And over 240,964 businesses in Indiana.

Search our database of 12 Million US Businesses




Call: 402-334-1824

Monday - Friday: 7:45 - 4:45 CST
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed


12020 Shamrock Plz. - #200
Omaha, NE 68154